GDPR Privacy Statement
The following privacy statement provides information on how to contact us regarding data protection, and who is responsible within our business.
It also outlines:
§ What information we gather
§ Why we gather it
§ Whether it is mandatory or optional information
§ How it is stored
§ How long we keep it for
§ Whether we share your information, and who with
§ Whether we intend to transfer your data out of the UK.
§ Whether we do automated decision making or profiling
Our business
Business name: Rowes at Priory Gardens
Person responsible for data protection: James Rowe
§ Tel: 07760 585585
§ Email: info@rowesatpriorygardens.co.uk
§ Address: Priory Gardens, Bow Street, Guisborough, TS14 6PR
What are your rights?
§ Your right of access
o You have the right to request copies of any of your personal data that we hold.
§ Your right to rectification
o You have the right to ask us to amend, update or complete any data that we hold for you.
§ Your right to erasure
o You have the right to ask us to delete information that we hold for you. Please be aware that if you ask us to delete data in the lead up to a booked event, we may have to cancel your booking. Refunds for deposits will be given in accordance with our policy outlined on your PayPal invoice.
§ Your right to restriction of processing
o You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information.
§ Your right to object to processing
o You have the right to object to us processing your information.
§ Your right to data portability
o You have the right to ask us to transfer data you have given us, either to yourself or another organisation.
Complaining to the ICO
The ICO is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights.
If you have any concerns about the way we handle, use or store your data and you feel unable to resolve these with us directly, you have the right to complain to the ICO.
You can contact them:
§ Via a live chat facility on their website, www.ico.org.uk
§ Via their helpline, 0303 123 1113.
§ By post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
The Data we Collect
Workshop Bookings
For workshop bookings we collect:
· Customer name
o We ask you for your name as a reference for the booking and so that we know who has arrived and who we are still expecting on the day. We need you to provide us with this information.
· Contact number
o We ask for a contact number in case we need to contact you leading up to, or on the day of the event, for example if someone hasn’t arrived or we need to cancel at short notice. We need you to provide us with this information.
· Email address
o We ask for an email address to enable us to send you a PayPal invoice to pay deposits and/ or balances for the events. We need you to provide us with this information. We DO NOT use your email address for any other purposes, including marketing, unless you ask us to add you to our mailing list.
· Deposit paid?
o We keep a record of whether you have or haven’t paid a deposit. This enables us to keep track of unpaid deposits and ensure that we charge you the correct remaining balance.
· Miscellaneous
o We sometimes ask for additional information such as dietary requirements, which we will pass on anonymously to our catering partners for workshops where we provide food.
We collect all the above information at the point of booking, whether that be via social media, email or telephone. Emails and social media messages containing personal data are deleted once information has been securely transferred to the relevant documents.
All the above data is stored within a password protected word document which will be deleted on the evening of the event.
We DO NOT share any of your data with any other parties, except an anonymised list of food allergies/ intolerances, when required, to our catering partners.
We will not transfer any of this data outside of the UK.
We do not use any of this data to perform automated decision making or profiling.
Trade Customers
When you request trade customer information via our website, you are filling in a form which provides us with:
· Name
o We use your name as a reference, when we contact you regarding our trade customer services and products. We need you to provide us with this information.
o We collect an email address as a primary form of contact, to send information regarding our products and services as requested. We need you to provide us with this information. We will not add you to a regular mailing list unless you give us express permission to.
· Contact number
o We ask for a contact telephone number in case we need to contact you regarding an order. This information is optional unless placing an order.
· Address
o We ask for an address in the event of you placing an order which we may deliver. This also allows us to let you know if you are too far for us to feasibly deliver. This information is optional unless you place a definite order for delivery.
· Business name
o We ask for this as a reference for any orders or communication between your business and ours. We need you to provide us with this information.
All data collected via our website is stored in our Wix.com contacts book, which is secure and password protected. We will securely store this data unless you ask us to delete it, which you can by contacting us via social media, email, telephone or face to face. You can contact us in the same way if you would like a copy of your data that we hold or would like us to update it.
We DO NOT share any of the above data with any other parties.
We will not transfer any of this data outside of the UK.
We do not use any of this data to perform automated decision making or profiling.
Joining our mailing list
When you subscribe to our mailing list via our website, we collect:
· Email address
o We store this email address in our secure and password protected Wix.com contacts list. We use your email address to send you marketing emails for the purpose of advertising our own business and activities only. We WILL NOT advertise any third-party businesses, nor will we share your data with any other parties.
You can contact us via social media, email, telephone or face to face at any point to request your data is updated or deleted. You can contact us in the same ways to request a copy of the data we hold for you.
We will not transfer any of this data outside of the UK.
We do not use any of this data to perform automated decision making or profiling.